PMK 高di/dt 的100MHZ高频电流探头Wideband Current
产品型号:58D/58M 原产地:德国 所属类别:交直流电流探头
PMK 高di/dt 的100MHZ高频电流探头Wideband Current
产品型号:58D/58M 原产地:德国 所属类别:交直流电流探头
PMK 1000/1500/2500/4000示波器高频宽带电压探头
产品型号:1000/1500/2500/4000 原产地:德国 所属类别:示波器电压探头
PMK 2GHZ 高频差分探头HS-DP 2000
产品型号:HS-DP 2000 原产地:德国 所属类别:高低压差分探头
产品简介:HS-DP 2000 differential probe is still under development. Please regard the specifications below as preliminary.
PMK Tetris 1GHZ-2.5GHZ 高阻抗高频FET探头替代力科ZS
产品型号:Tetris®1000/1500/2500 原产地:德国 所属类别:高低压差分探头
产品简介:高频高阻抗的FET 主动电压探头,特别适合于RF 电信号测量
PMK BUMBLEBEE大黄锋 400MHZ@6KV高共模抑制比差分探头替代光隔离
产品型号:BUMBLEBEE大黄锋 原产地:德国 所属类别:高低压差分探头
产品简介:BumbleBee® is a 400 MHz, 2 kV CAT III high-voltage, differential probe, that can be used with any oscilloscope or device providing 50 Ω termination.
PMK PHT312宽禁带器件-55至155高低温性能测试示波顺电夺探头
产品型号:PHT312 原产地:德国 所属类别:示波器电压探头
产品简介:PHT 312 is suitable for environmental testing and other applications,Wide Temperature Range -55° C to +155° C
PMK KHT6000 6KV级脉冲高压标准源高速电压校准发生器
产品型号:KHT6000 原产地:德国 所属类别:标准或校准源表
产品简介:In order to ensure correct readings of probes, especially over a long time, it is in the best interest of the user to observe and maintain the accuracy of the probes in action. Depending on the application, they need to be calibrated and adjusted on a regular basis.These calibrators generate squarewave pulses of 100 V up to 6000 V with fast risetimes.
PMK KSZ100D高速脉冲电流标准源,探头校准器100A
产品型号:KSZ100D 原产地:德国 所属类别:标准或校准源表
产品简介:Since Current Probes are often exposed to hard working conditions, a performance check is recommended before every use. These Current Probe Calibrators generate square wave pulses from 0.05 A to 100 A with an accuracy better 1%. They qualify for calibration and adjustment of Current Probes.