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晶体管图示仪 半导体参数分析仪 SMU源表 动态参数测试系统 CV参数测试仪 门极电荷Qg测试仪 WAT晶圆可接受度测试系统 TLP 传输线脉冲 EMMI 微光红外故障定位 HCI/BTI/TDDB/EM效应 飞安表/静电计/高阻计
标准手动探针台 便携桌面式探针台 半自动探针台 射频微波探针台 高低温探针台 真空极低温探针台系统 强磁-霍尔探针台 定制型精密探针卡 高低温chuck系统(Taiko) 磁吸探针座 CCD 显微镜 测试线缆与适配夹具 屏蔽箱与减震台 探针及其他配件
B-H分析仪 磁损功耗测试仪 阻抗分析仪 直流偏置DC Bias 高频LCR表 矢量网络分析仪 VNA 频率特性分析仪 毫欧表/电池内阻测试仪 磁通计
12bit高清数字示波器 光隔离示波器系统 基础数字示波器 信号发生器 数字万用表DMM 频谱分析仪 频率计 红外热像仪
多通道数据采集仪 数据采集与回放 功率分析仪 功率计 变压器电参数分析仪 电力参数分析仪
光隔离电压探头 光隔离电流探头 示波器电压探头 高低压差分探头 磁通门电流互感器 交直流电流探头 无感-同轴分流器 通讯接口与线缆 专用夹具 软件
可编程交流电源 交流双向电源(电网模拟器) 可编程直流电源 直流双向馈网电源 交流电子负载 直流电子负载 精密双极性功率放大器 双极性仿真电源
数字锁相环放大器 超低噪声前置放大器 精密电流放大器 精密差分放大器 精密滤波器 截光器 精密低噪声直流电源 振荡器
安规测试仪(ACI/DCI/IR/GB) 高压表 漏电电流表
电磁骚扰EMI 电磁抗扰度EMS
标准或校准源表 标准电流与电压表
热测试温度控制系统热流仪 高低温循环冲击箱 恒温恒湿试验箱 震动试验台 盐雾实验 电池类特规试验装置


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T&M CVR高频同轴分流器技术信息说明

发布时间: 2024-01-16 浏览次数:

T&M CVR technical Info  




CVR's are rugged high frequency resistors designed to sustain the very high peak power and current inputs generated by capacitor banks, pulse generator systems, and steady state current loads.  Their linear response over a broad bandpass provides an accurate indication of current magnitude free from inductive components.  Inherent in CVR design is a coupling between the major electrical parameters of resistance, bandpass, energy capacity, and wattage rating.  This interdependence led T & M to provide an improved series of standard units covering a broad range of specifications.


For the majority of applications, terminating CVR's are well suited and  are offered in an extensive series of standard units.  For systems where CVR's must be inserted between the source and load, T & M offers an additional series of inline CVR's, Series L and VL.  The Series VL is a combination CVR and voltage divider to permit the simultaneous measurement of current and voltage across the load.


A convenient criteria for selection of a CVR is provided by its pulse energy capacity. This rating is defined as:

Emax    = Rcvr [integral i^2dt] max

Thus by definition the pulse energy capacity is the maximum recommended energy that should be dissipated in the CVR over a period so short that losses are negligible. When a square wave current pulse is utilized, the energy input (E) into the CVR is equal to Rcvr^i^2t, and any unit in which Emax greater than E can be used.

Capacitor bank systems present a more difficult problem since a major fraction of the initial stored energy is dissipated external to the CVR, i.e.,

Ecvr = Estored (Rcvr / (Rcvr + Rexternal))

Prior to measurement, the effective system resistance is generally unknown. However, from consideration of peak current, CVR resistance, and a practical CVR output voltage, the ratio of Ecvr / Estored is about 1/10 in typical underdamped capacitor systems. 

Consider a system in which L = .5uh, C = 500uf, V = 20kv, and E = 25 kilojoules. Assume an effective resistance of 1/10 critical.  That is, 

Reff   = 1/5 (sqrtL/C) = .0063 

IF    Rcvr = .001 ohms

THEN   Ecvr  =  Estored  (Rcvr / Reff) =  4 kilojoules,

a value well within the capacity of our 5-kilojoule F-5000-20 model.

The Emax (joule) value tabulated for each resistor model is conservative, and all CVR's will sustain limited use at energy inputs to 1.5 Emax  without destruction.  If a resistor is continuously operated at energy overload, its DC resistance should be checked frequently, since some permanent variations may result.


Although most CVR's are designed primarily for surge current measurements, their rugged construction and their low temperature coefficient resistive elements have made them ideally suited to a number of steady state applications.  An average wattage rating applicable to continuous current loading is thus quoted for each resistor series.   Care should be taken in circuitry involving either AC or high duty cycle pulse currents that this rating not be exceeded, since CVR damage by overheating can result.   If requested T & M can supply resistors with special construction which will increase the standard wattage rating to a high value depending on the model. 


Bandpass of a CVR is essentially flat from DC to an upper limit determined primarily by skin effect in the resistive element.  Associated bandpass is based on a measured 10% to 90% risetime response to a step function of current produced by a coaxial line pulse generator.  The di/dt of the test pulse exceeded 10^12 amps/sec.


Unless otherwise specified, resistors are supplied with resistance tolerance of + - 4% of nominal value.  In addition, a Kelvin Bridge determination of its exact resistance, accurate to +-0.2% is supplied with each unit.  A wide range of special resistance values for any of our standard units can be supplied. 


Case construction of all coaxial CVR's is silverplated brass.  Standard output signal connector is BNC with other connectors available.  Large coaxial CVR's utilize a high current flange and coaxial threaded stud input connections.  T & M's flat configuration CVR's, the Series W, originally developed for flat plate transmission line installation, are available in a wide range of unit widths and input configurations and have been found to be particularly useful in applications requiring resistors with extreme energy and wattage ratings.


For many systems the direct determination of di/dt can provide important process information.  Very often important effects, though difficult to discern, in current waveforms are readily detected in the current rate of change.  To meet this need T&M offers an extensive line of flexible, Rogowski wound, current viewing probes.  In addition the probe output can be electronically integrated with T & M's passive integrators to provide current measurements with complete isolation from the test circuit.  Available in a wide range of mechanical and electrical characteristics, current viewing probes provide an important complement to CVR monitors.


Insertion of a CVR into existing circuitry is straight forward and poses no new problems.  As in all surge circuits, unnecessary ground loops should be avoided.   If both voltage and current at the load are monitored, the CVR and voltage divider ground points should be physically close to avoid sheath currents in the oscilloscope cables.  The isolation of T&M current viewing probes greatly simplifies their inclusion in most surge circuits.  Applications involving large electrical fields can induce errors and should be avoided by utilizing probe versions incorporating electrostatic shielding.


Because of the extremely diverse nature of surge current circuits, custom probe and resistor designs may offer definite advantages in your particular applications.   Probes and resistors with special electrical and mechanical characteristics can be supplied.


  • SCR current measurements

  • Current control of automatic welders

  • Measure output of automotive alternators

  • Fault current detection to determine bearing wear of stem turbine generators

  • EBW testing

  • Current detection in detonation systems

  • Three-phase fault testing in power transmission substations

  • Fault detection in modulators

  • Measurement of laser system currents

  • Chopper current control in electric cars

  • Circuit breaker testing