

0731-85260926 18665876229

晶体管图示仪 半导体参数分析仪 SMU源表 动态参数测试系统 CV参数测试仪 门极电荷Qg测试仪 WAT晶圆可接受度测试系统 TLP 传输线脉冲 EMMI 微光红外故障定位 TDDB 介电层击穿 飞安表/静电计/高阻计
标准手动探针台 便携桌面式探针台 半自动探针台 射频微波探针台 高低温探针台 真空探针台系统 强磁-霍尔探针台 定制型精密探针卡 磁吸探针座 CCD 显微镜 测试线缆与适配夹具 屏蔽箱与减震台 其他配件
B-H分析仪 磁损功耗测试仪 阻抗分析仪 直流偏置DC Bias 高频LCR表 矢量网络分析仪 VNA 频率特性分析仪 毫欧表/电池内阻测试仪 磁通计
12bit高清数字示波器 光隔离示波器系统 基础数字示波器 信号发生器 数字万用表DMM 频谱分析仪 频率计 红外热像仪
多通道数据采集仪 数据采集与回放 功率分析仪 功率计 变压器电参数分析仪 电力参数分析仪
光隔离电压探头 光隔离电流探头 示波器电压探头 高低压差分探头 磁通门电流互感器 交直流电流探头 无感-同轴分流器 通讯接口与线缆 专用夹具 软件
可编程交流电源 交流双向电源(电网模拟器) 可编程直流电源 直流双向馈网电源 交流电子负载 直流电子负载 精密双极性功率放大器 双极性仿真电源
数字锁相环放大器 超低噪声前置放大器 精密电流放大器 精密差分放大器 精密滤波器 截光器 精密低噪声直流电源 振荡器
安规测试仪(ACI/DCI/IR/GB) 高压表 漏电电流表
电磁骚扰EMI 电磁抗扰度EMS
标准或校准源表 标准电流与电压表
热测试温度控制系统热流仪 高低温循环冲击箱 恒温恒湿试验箱 震动试验台 盐雾实验 电池类特规试验装置


Product information

 Springburo CLIPPER probe CLP1500V15A1

Springburo CLIPPER probe CLP1500V15A1

产品型号:      原产地:



Springburo has developed numerous patented technologies for use in the field of Transistor testing and evaluation, such as the "Voltage Clipper" which measures directly at high resolution the real Transistor conduction voltage. This permits the monitoring of power transistor ON-resistances under operating voltages of up to 1500V, as well as the thermal performance during real operating conditions.


SPRINGBURO specialize in the design of custom power electronics, such as Switched Mode Power Supply technology or Motor Control, incorporating latest generation wide band gap devices (e.g. Sic, GaN).

For the last 25 years, they have worked with a variety of Power projects, including custom designs for downhole surveying & drilling, as well as various other industrial power projects requiring high reliability and often exceptional environmental requirements of temperature and vibration. They work with customers at an early stage to identify suitable topologies and components, which are then prototyped and tested using a full range of in-house test equipment.

In addition to this consultancy, Springburo has developed numerous patented technologies for use in the field of Transistor testing and evaluation, such as the "Voltage Clipper" which measures directly at high resolution the real Transistor conduction voltage. This permits the monitoring of power transistor ON-resistances under operating voltages of up to 1500V, as well as the thermal performance during real operating conditions.

